Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fall Festival Fun @ 21wks

 I know it has been past time to post another profile picture of my belly. So here I am @ 21 weeks! It has certainly grown since the last time I posted a picture of myself. I am feeling Abram move around everyday!

This weekend was the Fall Festival in Maryville. Andy and I did not go to any of the concerts, but we did walk around down-town to check out the vending area. While we were walking we ran into some of my friends from work. Here are a couple of picutures!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Baby Registry

Andy and I have completed our baby registries! We registered at Pottery Barn Kids, Babies-R-US, and Target. Also for those of you in Maryville, I picked out just handful of things at Dandy Lions.

Check out our registries!

Abram's first video @ 20 weeks!

So it has been a while since I posted...sorry!

Last week Andy and I had our 20wk ultrasound. Everything is looking great! So far I have gained 10 pounds, which is right on track for a healthy pregnancy. My blood pressure is nice and low...so momma is healthy. Abram is doing great also. He is in the 96th percentile...so do not expect a dainty, little baby! (FYI Andy weighted 10 lbs 1 oz when he was born and I was 8 lbs!) I have posted a 3 minutes video of the ultrasound. He was very wiggly throughout the ultrasound so you can see him move about! You can see his heart beating and at one point in the video you can even hear it beating!

Now that I am officially past 20 wks, I am halfway finished with my pregnancy. Andy and I can't believe that in just a few months we are going to have a little boy in our home!